49 then flew / bird (Fred Moten)
50 He broke his sling that killed birds (Yannis Ritsos)
51 If I were a bird (Mahmoud Darwish)
52 The bird in the corner of the prison garden (Faiz Ahmed Faiz)
53 Bird language (Nazim Hikmet)
54 The flutter of another century (Dionne Brand)
55 up. wards (Kamau Brathwaite)
70 Negropolis
75 Massive electroshock seemed promising
76 For professional services rendered
84 Those first sober days
85 Conjur man
87 Shear-jashub
91 Comparsa
93 Coffee
94 Marabú
97 Nothing that became familiar increasingly
103 A home at last
104 won't you celebrate with me